Facebook said: It intends to add a new symbol to the current interactions in order to enable users to express interest and support, in light of the commitment of many people to their homes to confront the emerging epidemic of coronary virus (COVID-19), which increased their use of the social network To communicate with family and friends.
The Care and Compassion symbol Care takes the form of a face embracing a heart, or a beating heart, and it will appear alongside current interactions: Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sadness, and Anger me. With the launch of the new sponsorship icon, it is the first since the launch of other interactions in 2015 to give people more sympathetic and swift responses to posts.
Starting next week, the icon of interest will start appearing on the main Facebook app in the form of a face that embraces the heart, while the new interaction will appear on the messaging app (Messenger) with a beating heart shape starting today. The new heart can be seen by clicking on the existing reaction to change it, or by creating a new chat interaction.
A company spokesperson referred to the new emojis earlier today in a tweet posted on Twitter: “We hope interactions will give these people additional ways to show their support during the #COVID19 crisis.” He added: "We know this is a mysterious time, and we wanted people to be able to show their support in ways that let their friends and family know that they are thinking of them."
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