Samsung said: It is intended later this year to stop its S Voice, which was launched to compete with the digital assistant from Apple (Siri), but it seems that he failed to do so.
The South Korean company wrote on its website that the S Voice - which was first launched in 2012 with the Galaxy S3 smartphone - will not be available after June 1.
9to5Google - a specialist in Google News and Android devices - indicated that the capabilities of Samsung's voice assistant were limited and limited to setting up reminders and making calls, but it was not able to answer questions, similar to other digital aids, such as Siri and Google Assistant ).
And because Samsung realized early on the weakness of S Voice in the competition of others, it launched in 2017 the voice assistant (Bixby) Bixby with the phone (Galaxy S8) Galaxy S8, but this also did not like users, and did not rise to the level of competition.
It is noteworthy that a few Samsung devices, especially the wearable, are still using the S Voice assistant, and Samsung will work to upgrade it to (Bixby) later this year.
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