Today a huge new update was released for the Telegram app that came with a large number of updates, most notably the Chat Folders feature, and through this feature users will be able to split their conversations into folders within the application to facilitate the separation between work, study and communicate with friends.
You will be able to access this feature by simply entering the settings and then Chat Folders, and through this setting you will be able to create folders and add conversations to them, whether they are conversations with individuals, groups or even channels.
This new feature will also be synced to your computer and all phones and devices that use Telegram:
In addition, Telegram has brought Channel Stats, which will be available to those who have a channel with 100 subscribers or more, and through this feature you will be able to follow all the channel statistics and growth level with ease.
In addition to all this, the new update added new effects when recording an audio or video message, and a new Animated Emojis was added, which are appropriate for the period of home quarantine we are going through!
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