You may be one of 1.5 billion users of the Gmail email platform, but as with most users you may move throughout the day between incoming and outgoing messages without spending some time exploring the integrated features and functions that help you protect your data and privacy.
Gmail platform supports a number of options and features to help you protect your data, whether from hackers or advertisers, as well as maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of your emails, here are some of them:
1- Banning spammers:
If someone is bothering you all the time by sending a lot of messages that don't interest you, and you use the (Spam Reporting) feature, but you still get messages from it, you can use the blocking feature, as Gmail allows you to easily block individual senders:
Go to Gmail, then open the Junk Email.
- Click on the three dots located in the upper-right corner of the message, to show a popup menu that contains many functions, including: Blocking the sender, and reporting the message, either as a spam or phishing scheme.
- Choose (Block Sender) as this will automatically forward any future messages that this person may receive from this person to the Spam folder, so you don't have to see them again.
But do not ignore the use of the spam-reporting feature even if it does not give you strong results, because its purpose is not to prevent future messages from coming from the sender itself, but it helps to train Gmail's spam filters using mail content Mail and its properties.
Google says: “It uses a certain number of email messages that have been reported to analyze and improve its algorithms, and uses artificial intelligence technologies to detect 100 million unwanted email messages per day.”
2- Increase retraction time:
There are many reasons why you might want to undo a message, so you may have sent it before you were ready, or you may have entered an incorrect address. Luckily; Gmail offers undo send, provided you act quickly.
By default; Gmail gives you five seconds to undo the transmission, but you can extend this time up to 30 seconds to give you more time to fix any error, by following these steps:
* Go to the (Settings) menu by pressing the gear icon in the upper right corner.
* Below the (General) tab you will find the option of Undo Send, and next to it is a drop-down menu where you can switch to 5 seconds, 10, 20, or 30 seconds.
Now you have more time to change your mind by clicking on the Undo option, which you will see at the bottom of the screen after sending your message.
3- Use the Secret Mode:
The Confidential Mode feature added by Google over the past year is a safe way to send your messages, as it prevents the recipient from copying, forwarding, printing, or downloading the message, and you can set an expiration date for the message after a specific time so that access to it is completely revoked.
To use this feature you need to follow the following steps:
* Go to Gmail.
* Click (Compose New Message).
* Type the e-mail you want to send, and add Attachments.
* Click on "Confidential Mode" in the options menu next to the "Send" button, which is a lock icon in front of it for an hour.
* A popup window will appear in which you can (Expiration date setting), and add a passcode via SMS passcode if you want to add a protection layer to your message, but here you will need to know the recipient's phone number.
* Click on "Save" to return to the creation screen.
4- Delete offline cached data:
Gmail now works even offline now, which is great when you have intermittent internet access, but it may not be great for your personal privacy. Because even without an internet connection, anyone with physical access to the computer you're using can know a lot of information from Gmail's local cache.
So if you are using a computer shared with your family, colleagues or anyone else, make sure to delete this data before logging out:
* Go to Gmail's (Settings) menu.
* Below the Offline tab.
* Scroll down to the Security section.
* Check the box next to the "Remove offline data from my computer" option.
* After finishing deleting the data, be sure to log out of Gmail.
5- Hide external images:
Embedded images remain a concern about the privacy and security of e-mail, as e-mail senders can use small image encodings called "tracking pixels" to see if messages were opened, when they were opened, and the type of device you opened them. They can even tell if you've forwarded your email to others, and these are all very useful data for marketers.
Now through settings you can enable the feature (hide pictures by default) to maintain your privacy, and it will also speed up downloading emails.
* Go to Gmail's (Settings) menu.
* Select the (General) tab.
* Next to the images, scroll down to the Images section, then enable the "Ask before displaying external images" option.
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